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Breaking In A Two-Stroke RC Helicopter Engine

Before you can fly, you need to properly break in your new 2 stroke RC Helicopter Engine

Power Systems Two-Stroke Engine Break-In

Contemporary two-stroke helicopter engines have superior construction quality, requiring very little break-in. Be sure that you do as the manufacturer suggests as far as a break-in period and oil content are concerned. If you want to take the smartest route, you will bench-run the engine with a propeller and use the procedures described below. If you need to break in the helicopter engine, make sure that you don't run the engine lean; the engine mixture needs to be set on the rich side.

Step 1: Ensure that the engine is securely mounted.

Step 2: You should set the needle valves, both high and low speed, as specified by the manufacturer.

Step 3: Prime the engine by putting a finger over the carburetor's venturi until the line is filled with fuel.

Step 4: Attach the glow plug.

Step 5: Set the throttle to full open, and adjust the high-speed needle. A ringed engine has a rich four-cycle operation. For an ABC engine: a rich two-cycle operation.

Step 6: With the glow heat connected, run for 1 to 2 minutes.

Step 7: Shut down the engine, and let it cool; repeat step 6 approximately 5 times, with cool-down times between each turn.

Step 8: Let the engine run for three to five minutes. Let it cool down, and then do it again at least five times. During running in, remove the glow plug and make the mixture leaner. Turn the engine to the point just before it shifts into two-cycle operation. Wait 60 seconds and then make the mixture richer to the earlier rich setting. For an ABC engine: this is a rich two-cycle operation.

Step 9: Turn over the engine and change the mixture from lean to rich on the two-cycle setting. If the engine loses power, make the mixture richer and repeat step 8 as necessary until it maintains its RPM.

For an ABC engine: jump to step 10.

Step 10: Be sure to lean the engine over to its optimal setting by turning the needle valve until your hear the RPM reach peak. The mixture should be made richer so that the RPM are around 200 to 300 below their peak.

Briefly pinch the fuel line to confirm that this is an accurate setting. There should be higher RPM to match the peak. Keep changing the needle valve as needed until you get this result.

Step 11: This setting should be held at the same level for a few minutes. If this can not be achieved, perform steps 9-10 and try it again.

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